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einsum(*tensors_and_pattern: Union[Tensor, str], **axes_lengths: int) -> Tensor

Same as einops.einsum but supports index un-grouping notation.

For example, the following operation does not work (yet) in einops.einsum, but works with this version: einsum(A, B, '(a b) c, a b c -> (a b) c', a=a, b=b).

(More information here) # noqa: B950


  • tensors_and_pattern (Union[Tensor, str], default: () ) –

    tensors: tensors of any supported library (numpy, tensorflow, pytorch, jax). pattern: string, einsum pattern, with commas separating specifications for each tensor. Pattern should be provided after all tensors.

  • axes_lengths (int, default: {} ) –

    Length of axes that cannot be inferred.


  • Tensor

    Tensor of the same type as input, after processing with einsum.


  • NotImplementedError

    If the pattern contains unsupported features.


>>> from fdpyutils.einops.einsum import einsum
>>> from torch import rand, allclose
>>> a, b, c = 3, 4, 5 # dimensions
>>> A, B = rand(a, b, c), rand(a * b, c) # operands
>>> C = einsum(A, B, 'a b c, (a b) c -> (a b) c', a=a, b=b)
>>> allclose(C, A.reshape(a * b, c) * B)
Source code in fdpyutils/einops/
def einsum(*tensors_and_pattern: Union[Tensor, str], **axes_lengths: int) -> Tensor:
    """Same as ``einops.einsum`` but supports index un-grouping notation.

    For example, the following operation does not work (yet) in ``einops.einsum``, but
    works with this version: ``einsum(A, B, '(a b) c, a b c -> (a b) c', a=a, b=b)``.

    (More information [here]( # noqa: B950

            tensors: tensors of any supported library (numpy, tensorflow, pytorch, jax).
            pattern: string, einsum pattern, with commas separating specifications for
                each tensor. Pattern should be provided after all tensors.
        axes_lengths: Length of axes that cannot be inferred.

        Tensor of the same type as input, after processing with einsum.

        NotImplementedError: If the pattern contains unsupported features.

        >>> from fdpyutils.einops.einsum import einsum
        >>> from torch import rand, allclose
        >>> a, b, c = 3, 4, 5 # dimensions
        >>> A, B = rand(a, b, c), rand(a * b, c) # operands
        >>> C = einsum(A, B, 'a b c, (a b) c -> (a b) c', a=a, b=b)
        >>> allclose(C, A.reshape(a * b, c) * B)
        return einops_einsum(*tensors_and_pattern)
    except NotImplementedError as e:
        tensors, pattern = tensors_and_pattern[:-1], tensors_and_pattern[-1]
        if "(" not in pattern or ")" not in pattern:
            raise NotImplementedError from e

        # un-group the operands
        lefts, right = pattern.split("->")
        lefts = lefts.split(",")
        lefts_ungrouped = [left.replace("(", "").replace(")", "") for left in lefts]
        tensors_ungrouped = [
            rearrange(t, " -> ".join([l, l_u]), **axes_lengths) if l != l_u else t
            for t, l, l_u in zip(tensors, lefts, lefts_ungrouped)

        # compute the result with un-grouped indices
        right_ungrouped = right.replace("(", "").replace(")", "")
        pattern_ungrouped = " -> ".join([",".join(lefts_ungrouped), right_ungrouped])
        result_ungrouped = einops_einsum(*tensors_ungrouped, pattern_ungrouped)

        # group the indices in the result tensor
        return (
                result_ungrouped, " -> ".join([right_ungrouped, right]), **axes_lengths
            if right_ungrouped != right
            else result_ungrouped